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About Bill Lemon

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Bill Lemon was born and raised on a cattle ranch in Zimbabwe, a life he continued to pursue and enjoy to finally achieve a lifetime dream of owning his own Game Ranch. Unfortunately it was a dream short-lived, as he became one of the victims of land designation in Zimbabwe. He was a member of the special forces during the bush war and was a keen sportsman who excelled in the discipline of rugby at which he represented his country from 1970 to 1980.

Big Game Hunting

Bill was part of a small band of hunters who, in the early seventies, in conjunction with National Parks, was tasked with the responsibility of eradicating thousands of Buffalo in the South East and West of the country in an attempt to control" Foot and Mouth disease" in Cattle.

Bill is the Professional Hunter you want to introduce to your grandchildren as a legend in the African bush and to your wife as the man who will take you safely through whatever the African bush has to throw at you.

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Adventure & Experience

In 1999, he was the recipient of the prestigious "Professional Hunter of the Year" award. He also holds the title for the biggest lion shot in 2002 and for the biggest leopard shot in 2008. He is a full time professional hunter both in Zimbabwe and South Africa. He is a life member of Dallas Safari Club as well as an active member of Safari Club International and the Professional Hunters Association of South Africa.

Safari Hunting

 Bill Lemon is a humble, seasoned legend with over forty years of experience in traditional big game hunting and a survivor of the numerous challenges he has encountered in the African bush. 

The symbols of Bill Lemon Safaris are his coffee mug and his .460 Weatherby. The traditional tin mug and trusted .460 Weatherby rifle that have seen more sunrises than most seasoned professional hunters. 



  • Vimeo
  • You will not find him on Facebook because he is out hunting, living his passion since 1974.
  • The only twitter Bill recognises is the Twitter of the birds as he takes his valued clients on an ad
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